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Welcome to... 
Philosophy of
Mental Health

In Nottingham!

What is it?

Philosophy of mental health is broad and exciting area of philosophy which covers all things mental health! It brings together tools, techniques, and ideas from many areas of philosophy (such as the ethics, the philosophies of mind and illness) to help advance our understanding of mental health and mental healthcare. It also covers philosophy for mental health, exploring the ancient idea that philosophy can help us to live better.

Here you can learn about some of the work in the philosophy of mental health done at the University of Nottingham, and engage in the philosophy of mental health yourself!

Who are we?

We are a team of philosophers at the University of Nottingham, working in collaboration with local mental healthcare workers and service users to bring philosophy outside of the University. Philosophy is our day job and we are passionate about it! You can learn more about the team by clicking here.

What do we do?

The philosophy of mental health. We teach. We research. We run open and inclusive events and discussion groups in Nottingham.

In doing the philosophy of mental health, we explore foundational questions such as what is mental health (and is it any different from physical health)? Is there such a thing as mental illness? What is psychotherapy, and does it have any distinctive value (compared to drug medication)? 

We believe that questions like this should be explored not in an academic bubble, but  with anyone with a general interest in or curiosity about mental health, and in collaboration with mental healthcare workers and service users. 

On this website you can find out about our projects, events, and how to get involved yourself! For more information follow the links above.




Department of Philosophy

Humanities Building

University of Nottingham

University Park



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